Hello my friends and girlfriends, parents and teachers from Brazil, I am +Diogo Souto Maior and today I bring but a dotted activity to print, and falcilitar children's literacy, this time the letter (F) uppercase and lowercase all dashed to printing is high resolution and great quality and also the word file with the activity ready to print.
The purpose of the dotted activity is to improve the coordination of the child and improves handwriting too.

To download the Word file with the letter (F) dotted suffice to cover click on the box with the download name and download to your computer and print.
You can also click the image on the right with the letter (F) on a lined sheet of paper and click the right mouse button and save to your computer, but will have to organize before printing.
Since I appreciate your visit to blog but is logical and the lher content is useful, share and all teachers and parents, thank you a hug and be with God.

To download the Word file with the letter (F) dotted suffice to cover click on the box with the download name and download to your computer and print.
You can also click the image on the right with the letter (F) on a lined sheet of paper and click the right mouse button and save to your computer, but will have to organize before printing.
Since I appreciate your visit to blog but is logical and the lher content is useful, share and all teachers and parents, thank you a hug and be with God.

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